Ilias Otsman

Web Developer

Web developer from Barcelona who recently finished my studies in web application development. I have always liked to create graphic solutions, and since I have been able to work on different projects during these years as a developer, I can’t only continue to do so but also add features that facilitate and help the use of a certain application or page, improving the UX.


These are the tools I've learned to use and develop the projects I have had the opportunity to work on. Every day I keep learning much about them and my current goal is to keep doing it, until I'm at certain level where I feel comfortable enough to keep going improving to new things.



This project was the final project of my DAWe(development of web applications in mobile environments) formation, which was made together with three classmates. Its a catalog of movies, series and animes made with Laravel, where users can interact and share their thoughts on different contents

Steps Tracker

This application keeps track of your activity, being able to see the route you have taken and the amount of distance traveled.

Motos API

Application that lists different motorcycles, being able to add, delete or view more information about it. The API part was made with NodeJS, connecting with an Mysql database made with PhpMyAdmin, while the frontend was made with the Ionic SDK and the framework Angular.

Lets talk!

Are you interested in knowing more about me? Don't hesitate to contact me through any of these platforms.